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Congratulations Graduates!
We are excited to help you celebrate your graduation! The NDSU Bookstore works with Herff Jones to provide graduation regalia, announcements, class rings and more. For NDSU alumni, we have the best collection of NDSU alumni clothing and gifts.
*Commencement regalia, announcements, diploma frames and honor medallions cannot be charged to your student account.
Stole of Gratitude
Join the NDSU tradition. Wear your stole of gratitude during commencement, then present it afterward to a mentor, parent, or friend who made a significant difference in your life.
Honor Medallion
The NDSU Honor Medallion is available for students receiving honors. The NDSU Bookstore receives the list of eligible students from the Office of Registration and Records. Students must meet the requirements found in the University Bulletin to qualify to graduate with honors.
Regalia Questions
Please call Jodi Askew at 701-231-7428 or Mary Sivertson at 701-231-8206 with any questions.
NDSU Graduate Resources
Commencement Closet
NDSU Student Government has set aside a certain amount of regalia so that students who may struggle to afford it, can still participate in the commencement ceremony. To request graduation attire from the Commencement Closet, fill out the Commencement Closet form. This information will be kept strictly confidential. The gowns are rented and must be returned after the ceremony.
NDSU Commencement information, dates and times can be found on the NDSU Commencement Page.
Post-Grad Survey
Let NDSU know your post-grad plans! Fill out the Career and Advising’s Post-Graduation Survey.
Diploma Frames
You did the work, now show it off! NDSU diploma frames are a beautiful way to display your accomplishments, they also make a wonderful gift.
NDSU Class Rings
NDSU official class rings and other custom ring designs are available from Herff Jones. Customize your ring to reflect your NDSU experience, achievements and personal style.
Graduation Announcements
Order personalized announcements, thank you notes, and all of your other graduation needs from Herff Jones online
Capture the moment you cross the stage to receive your diploma. Relive and share your graduation with family and friends- now and forever!
Order your StageClip today!
Alumni Gear and Gifts
You’re officially an NDSU Alumnus! Shop our NDSU Alumni Gear for yourself or for the perfect gift for a recent graduate.
For custom alumni gift options, contact Jodi.Askew@ndsu.edu or call our Gift Department at 701-231-7428.
Commencement Regalia for Faculty
Regalia Rentals
The NDSU Bookstore provides faculty and/or staff participating in commencement regalia rentals through our partner Herff Jones. Place rental orders prior to the rental deadline to avoid late fees and guarantee you receive you attire before commencement.
Visit the Herff Jones faculty rental page.
Missed the deadline? Contact our team directly. Call 701-231-7761 (ask for Jodi, Mary or Laura) or email ndsu.bookstore@ndsu.edu. Sizes and hood colors may be limited.
Regalia Purchases
Contact our team to purchase NDSU and custom regalia. Call 701-231-7761 (ask for Jodi, Mary or Laura) or email ndsu.bookstore@ndsu.edu.